At 17, Matt’s world fell apart. His parents left him and his younger siblings; his siblings were able to be...
Success Stories
How Dylan Found Joy in Reading Thanks to United Way and Read Alliance
Meet Dylan, a first grader at Riverside Elementary. His family supported his participation in Read Alliance because he...
The White House Day Care 2 Achieves Star 4 Rating
Growing Readers, a program of United Way’s Ready.Set.READ!, focuses on kindergarten readiness by providing support and...
Child Development Associate Profile- Jordan Valentine
 The Child Development Associate (CDA) Program, a part of Ready.Set.READ! Growing Readers, is a 3-year program...
Child Development Associate Profile- Mary Leon
The Child Development Associate (CDA) Program, a part of Ready.Set.READ! Growing Readers, is a 3-year program designed...
Street Medicine Program Improves Lives
United Way’s support of the Street Medicine Program (a program of Reading Hospital) is crucial in helping the homeless...
Virtual Tutoring Helps Kids Become Better Readers
Becoming an Engaged Reader Carson’s excitement is unmistakable to his tutor, Chris Brennan, without even seeing his...
Youth Mentors Find New Ways to Engage During COVID
Despite COVID, youth mentors have found new ways to connect to the children and youth served by Big Brothers Big...
Giving Kids a Safe Haven Contributes to Their Future Success
Stability is one of the most important factors contributing to a child’s success in life. That’s why United Way of...
United Way and New Journey Community Outreach Help Those in Need
The past few years have been tough for Richard. Financial hardship is a major stress for him; he does not have enough...
United Way and Catholic Charities Help Local Veterans
It is not uncommon for veterans to have trouble transitioning back to civilian life; the challenges can be...
Family Guidance Center Makes Mental Health Care Accessible
COVID-19 has caused a steep increase in mental health problems. The isolation, uncertainty, and grief suddenly hurled...