Summer Learning Grant Guidelines

Please note: Summer Learning Grant applications for 2025 are closed

Download a printable version of the Summer Learning Grant guidelines in English. Descargue una versión imprimible de las directrices de subvenciones de Aprendizaje de Verano en Español.

Submit an application

Purpose of the Grant

This competitive grant is open to schools and organizations serving Berks County students. The grant will provide up to $5,000 in support of summer learning programming. The funds are to help cover expenses related to summer programming June – August 2025.

Grant Criteria
  • Serves Berks County Students Pre-K up to and including 3rd graders as of Fall 2025.
  • Requests up to $5,000 per school/organization or grant partnership may be submitted.
  • Requests are to support programming and other funding sources should be documented.
  • Proposed programming must include a literacy component but may include cross disciplines activities (i.e. STEAM).
  • All proposed programs must articulate an evaluation element to measure the outcome success of the literacy component.
  • Proposals and final reports must be electronically submitted via e-CImpact.
  • If your summer program is open to community, ensure that you are registered on PA211 as a resource for families. Click here to add or update your program information.

Any school or non-profit 501(c)(3) organization is eligible to apply. Previous Summer Learning Grant recipients are eligible to apply.

Award Amount

A maximum grant of $5,000 may be requested, with United Way reserving the option to award a lesser amount, based on demonstrated need and available resources.

Grant Process

Grant applications will be accepted, via e-CImpact* Monday, January 13, 2025, through Sunday, February 16, 2025, 11:59 p.m. The following highlights some of the information collected during the application and reporting process.

  • Program details, including the planned literacy component and the intended impact.
  • Outcome and output information.
  • Demographic information.
  • Projected revenue, expenses, and details on how a grant award will be used.

Grant applications must include the name(s) of professional employees involved in the grant application. If an individual school is applying, proposal must be approved by district administration. If the program has technology requirements, IT Manager approval is required to ensure technology is compatible with current system.

If you are an organization partnering with a school, proposal must demonstrate program is approved by district administration.

Successful grant awardees will be notified by Friday March 28, 2025. Funds will be awarded in April 2025 and are to be used by August 2025. United Way staff and volunteers will make a site visit to see the program in action by end of July 2025. A final report is due in e-CImpact no later than September 27, 2024.

Selection Process

This is a competitive grant process. A volunteer committee will review and evaluate the Summer Learning Grant applications. The volunteer committee is comprised of Ready.Set.READ! and United Way boards and committee members. The evaluation is a rubric based on the criteria and applicant responses.

Purchasing of Materials

It is the responsibility of the successful grantees to purchase all materials and/or pay contracted fees and to submit a final budget with the final report.

Final Report

It is the responsibility of the grantee to provide a final report via e-CImpact due no later than September 26, 2025. A reminder notification will be sent providing access to the final report. The report must include the data associated with the outcomes outlined in the proposal, actual expense detail and at least two photographs of students and activities.

The report and photos may be used by United Way of Berks County to promote Berks County literacy activities and to highlight the innovation in our county; please be sure all releases are on file.

Questions or support:
  • For technical assistance support with e-CImpact, contact Amanda Hansen at 610-685-4582 or
  • For any other grant-related questions or assistance, contact Ashley Chambers at 610-685-4586 or

*e-CImpact is a comprehensive grant and performance management software tool that helps simplify the grant application, evaluation, and reporting processes for success.